The challenges

The Landes coastline is subject to a sustainable development strategy aimed towards maintaining the seaside socio-economic activity on the Landes coast, while preserving the fragility of the dune and intertidal (tidal range) environments, some of which are part of the European Natura 2000 network and are home to numerous habitats and numerous protected or even endemic species of flora and fauna.

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Actions to address major challenges

Through these actions, the Syndicat Mixte, in terms of the Landes coastline, aims to meet four major challenges:

  • Environmental challenges
  • Tourism challenges
  • Social challenges
  • Erosion challenges

The challenges

Fighting against all types of pollution

Waste is omnipresent at sea and washes up on the Landes coastline: plastics, fishing waste, glass, metals... To ensure the preservation and cleanliness of these fragile areas, the Syndicat Mixte du Littoral Landais is taking concrete actions through curative and preventive measures.

Preserving species and ecosystems

The Landes coastline, with its beaches and dunes, is home to numerous protected and endemic species of flora and fauna. Technological developments and constant adaptation enable the Syndicat to respect these ecosystems in its cleaning operations.

Promoting tourism through the appeal of Landes beaches

The development of tourism and leisure activities depends on safeguarding the fragile environments in which they are located and requires daily attention and consistent management.

Offering tourists a clean environment

Supervised bathing areas require regular cleaning to ensure they are attractive to tourists.

Promoting economic activity through the beach

During the tourist season, the Landes coastline is a major economic resource (300 million euros in sales for the surfing industry, over 3,000 jobs in Aquitaine, including 1,000 in Landes).

Promoting job integration

Through its actions, the Syndicat responds to the challenge of solidarity by promoting work integration (for disabled workers or those reintegrating to the workforce), particularly through manual clean-up operations.

Protecting the dune against erosion

The Landes coastline, and more specifically its northern sector, is subject to chronic erosion phenomena, resulting in a gradual retreat of the coastline, a lowering of the beach and erosion of the dune.

The Syndicat takes this problem into consideration in its actions, giving priority to manual cleaning in critical areas.